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€ 720,--

Beds and a deepfreeze for an orphanage in Zimbabwe, 2498 Euros

Queen Elizabeth Children's Home is a home for orphans, abused and abandoned children in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The home is run by the Church of the Seventh Day Adventists and houses 30 children in the ages of 11 months to 10 years, some of whom are HIV positive. The staff receives some income from donations of people in the neighbourhood and by running a pre-school.
€ 2498,--

Not collected from school?

The KG VI Centre in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe is a (boarding) school for physically handicapped children. We have sponsored several projects for this school in the last few years, such as musical instruments, a computer and an asphalt baseball field.
Sadly, the situation in Zimbabwe has deteriorated so much that just having enough food for a meal is a moment of joy for the children of KV VI, and having a parent or close relative come pick you up for the holidays is almost a luxury. People are struggling to survive and what they need least of all is a handicapped child to take care of.
€ 1600,--